Financial Statement

Financial report 3rd quarter 2023

1. Financial report Quarter 3/2023 - Parent company 2. Financial statements Quarter 3/2023 - Consolidated 3. Explanation of Financial Statements Quarter 3-2023

Financial Report Quarter 2/2023

1. Financial Statement Quarter 2 - 2023 - Parent company 2. Financial Statements Quarter 2 - 2023 - Consolidation 3. Explanation of Financial Statements Quarter 2 - 2023

Signing the contract to audit and review the financial statements in 2023

AAC Auditing and Accounting Company Limited. In accordance with Resolution  55/NQ-S55-HĐQT dated June 13th, 2023 of the Board of Directors on Select an auditor for the 2023 financial statements, the Company's Director negotiated and conducted contract with the selected audit unit. The signed contract information is as follows: Contract number: 226/HDKT-AAC Signed date: June 13th, 2023
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