Shareholder information

Dismissed 02 Deputy Directors of the Company

Dismissing the position of Deputy Director of the company for 02 men: 1. Tran Thai Binh 2. Nguyen Van Tien As of April 1st, 2021 For details of Board resolutions and decisions, pleae see here.  

Results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2021

At 08:30, on March 26th, 2021, Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company organized the Annual General Meeting of ca in 2021. After working with the spirit of urgency, democratic concentration, the Meeting was held. approved the contents that the Board of Directors submitted to the Meeting with high approval rates, results and approval of the approval Meeting as follows: 1. Minutes of the General Assembly 2.

Document of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2021

1. Chương trình Đại hội 2. Báo cáo hoạt động của Hội đồng quản trị 3. Báo cáo hoạt động của Ban kiểm soát 4. Tờ trình các nội dung cần thông qua Đại hội 5. Dự thảo nghị quyết Đại hội

Financial statements 2020

1. Finacial statements 2020 - Parent company 2. Finacial statements 2020 - Consolidate 3. Explanation of Financial Statements 2020

Invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2021

The Board of Directors of Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company cordially invites Shareholders to own S55 shares at the time of closing the list on January 20, 2021 to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2021. 1. Time: 07:30 on March 26, 2021 2. Location: 12th Floor, Tower B - Song Da Building - Pham Hung - Nam Tu Liem - Hanoi Invitation details please see here. Refer to the sample Authorization

Notice the last registration date: Organizing the 2021 Annual General Meeting

  To exercise the right to attend and vote at the 2021 Annual General Meeting, Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company would like to announce: - Last registration date to close the list of shareholders: January 20, 2021 - Expected time to hold the 2021 Annual General Meeting: March 26, 2021 Notice details please see here.

Financial Statement Quarter 3 – 2020

1. Financial Statement Quarter 3 - 2020 - Parent company 2. Financial Statement Quarter 3 - 2020 - Consolidation 3. Explanation Financial Statement Quarter 3 - 2020 

Establish the Energy Board and appoint 02 Deputy Directors of the company

In order to structure the organizational apparatus, human resources to suit the management and administration requirements of the company for completed investment projects and the next general contractor for construction and installation in the coming time, the company director suggested. and the Board of Directors Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company unified to approve the following content: 1. Establish
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