Project news

Nam Bum 2 Hydropower official power generation

With the efforts of the whole system - From the contractor to the investor, on 26/07/2021 Nam Bum 2 Hydropower Plant officially produced commercial power - Completed ahead of schedule. Nam Bum 2 hydroelectric power plant has an installed capacity of 28 MW, including two units (14 MW each): Trich Giang Kim Luan Electromechanical Co., Ltd (China) provides and installs electromechanical equipment,


On May 8, at the signing ceremony of the Credit Contract to fund capital for Nam Bum 2 Hydropower prọect, Song Da Building, Pham Hung Street, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi by EHULA Joint Stock Company - as an investor between Vietinbank - Lai Chau Branch and EHULA Joint Stock Company. From the Investor side, there are: Mr. Dang Quang Dat - Vice Chairman of Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company, Chairman

Contract signing ceremony at Song Tranh 4 Hydropower Project

Today, at 09h30 January 10th 2017 at the Investor's Office in Hanoi, Song Da 505 jsc. officially signed the contract for construction and installation of items of Song Tranh 4 Hydropower project Some key information of the contract: 1. Investor: Song Tranh 4 hydropwer Joint Stock Company 2. The site of construction: Que Luu and Thang Phuoc Commune, Hiep Duc District, Quang Nam Province 3.

Thủy điện Đại nga thông hầm dẫn nước

           Ngày 20 tháng 9 năm 2014, tại công trình thuỷ điện Đại Nga nằm trên sông La Ngà thuộc xã Lộc Nga, thành phố Bảo Lộc, tỉnh Lâm Đồng, đường hầm dẫn nước dài gần 2km đã chính thức được nổ mìn thông hầm.        Dự án thuỷ điện Đại Nga với công