Change of business registration certificate for the 12th time

Căn cứ vào Nghị quyết số: 31/NQ-S55-HĐQT ngày 26/03/2024 về việc Miễn nhiệm và bổ nhiệm Chủ tịch HĐQT và Giám đốc công ty;

Change of the 12th Business Registration Certificate
appointment and appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of the company;

Based on the current charter of the Company’s operations;

The Company has changed its business registration certificate due to the change of legal representative and has been granted the 12th Business Registration Certificate by the Department of Planning and Investment of Gia Lai province, dated April 3, 2024.

Details of the 12th Business Registration Certificate change, here, please.

Ngày đăng: Thursday April 4th, 2024