Thông tin cổ đông

Selection of auditors for financial statements in 2023

At 09:00, on June 13th, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company held a meeting on the selection of an auditor for the Company's 2023 financial statements. After discussion and consideration, the Board of Directors decided to select an auditor for the financial statements for 2023: - Name of the selected audit unit: AAC Accounting and Auditing Company Limited. - Scope of audit: Reviewing

Announcement: Last registration date for dividend payment in 2022

Pursuant to the Resolution of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company informs shareholders of the last registration date to pay the 2022 dividend in cash as follows: 1. Last registration date: June 15th, 2023 2. Execution rate: 15%/share (01 share will receive 1,500 VND) 3. Payment start date: July 31, 2023 Notice details please, see here.

ANZA.JSC – Major shareholder – Bought shares of S55

1. Investor's name: ANZA JOINT STOCK COMPANY – Business registration number: 0106444478 2. Stock code owned: S55 3. Number of shares held before trading: 5,470,012 shares (equivalent to 54.70%) 4. Number of shares purchased: 1,079,240 shares (corresponding to 10.79%) 5. Number of shares held after trading: 6,549,252 shares (65.49% respectively) 6. Transaction time: 12/05/2023 to

Mr. Dang Tat Thanh – Insider – Sold shares S55

1. Name of individual performing the transaction: Mr. Dang Tat Thanh - Internal shareholder  - Position: Chairman of the Board of Directors 2. Trading stock code: S55 3. Number of shares held before trading: 40,080 shares, equivalent to 0.40%. 4. Number of shares sold: 40,080 shares, equivalent to 0.40% 5. Number of shares held after performing the transaction: 00 shares (corresponding

Ms. Nguyen Thuy Duong – Insider and Related Person – Sold shares S55

1. Name of individual performing the transaction: - Ms. Nguyen Thuy Duong - Internal shareholder   - Position: Member of the Board of Directors - And related person: Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hoi - Relationship: Birth mother 2. Trading stock code: S55 3. Number of shares held before trading: 502,400 shares, equivalent to 5.03%, specifically: - Grandma. Nguyen Thuy Duong holds: 179,500.0 shares

Mr. Dang Quang Dat – Insider – sold shares of S55

1. Name of individual performing the transaction: - Mr. Dang Quang Dat - Internal shareholder  - Position: Member of the Board of Directors 2. Trading stock code: S55 3. Number of shares held before trading: 1,534,306.0 shares (equivalent to 15.34%) 4. Number of shares sold: 1,534,306.0 shares (equivalent to 15.34%) 5. Number of shares held after performing the transaction: 00 shares (corresponding

Mr. Nguyen Thuy Duong – Insider and Related Person – Register to sell S55 shares

1. Name of individual performing the transaction: - Mr. Nguyen Thuy Duong - Internal shareholder   - Position: Member of the Board of Directors - And related person: Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hoi - Relationship: Birth mother 2. Trading stock code: S55 3. Number of shares held before trading: 502,400 shares, equivalent to 5.03%, specifically: - Grandma. Nguyen Thuy Duong holds: 179,500.0 shares

ANZA.JSC – Major shareholder – Bought shares of S55

1. Investor's name: ANZA JOINT STOCK COMPANY – Business registration number: 0106444478 2. Stock code owned: S55 3. Number of shares held before trading: 3,451,514 shares (equivalent to 34.52%) 4. Number of shares purchased: 2,018,498 shares (20.48% respectively) 5. Number of shares held after trading: 5,470,012 shares (equivalent to 54.70%) 6. Transaction time: May 08th, 2023

Mr. Dang Tat Thanh – Insider – to sell S55 shares

1. Name of individual performing the transaction: Mr. Dang Tat Thanh - Internal shareholder  - Position: Chairman of the board 2. Trading stock code: S55 3. Number of shares held before trading: 40,080 shares, equivalent to 0.40% 4. Number of shares registered for sale: 40,080 shares, equivalent to 0.40% 5. Number of shares expected to hold after trading: 00 shares (corresponding

ANZA.JSC – Major shareholder – Bought shares of S55

1. Investor's name: ANZA JOINT STOCK COMPANY – Business registration number: 0106444478 2. Stock code owned: S55 3. Number of shares held before trading: 3,348,914 shares (equivalent to 33.49%) 4. Number of shares purchased: 102,600 shares (equivalent to 1.03%) 5. Number of shares held after trading: 3,451,514 shares (equivalent to 34.52%) 6. Transaction time: April 21, 2023 So,
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