The Board of Directors of Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company respectfully invites Shareholders who own S55 shares at the time of closing the list on January 31, 2024 to attend the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
1. Time: 08:30 March 26, 2024.
2. Location: Ruby Room - 2nd Floor - Aquaria Culinary Cultural Complex - Le Duc Tho Street, My Dinh 2, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi.
Please see invitation
1. Name of individual performing the transaction:
Ms. Dang Thuy Duong - Person related to internal shareholders
2. Information of relevant insiders:
- Mr. Dang Van Tuyen
- Current position: Member of the Board of Directors
- Relationship of individual conducting transactions with insiders: Con
- Proportion of shares held by insiders: 472,560 shares, equivalent to 4.73%
3. Trading
1. Financial report Quarter 4/2023 - Parent company
2. Financial report Quarter 4/2023 - Consolidated
3. Management report in 2023
1. Name of individual performing the transaction:
Mr. Dang Tat Thanh - Internal shareholder - Position: Chairman of the Board of Directors
2. Trading stock code: S55
3. Number of shares held before making the transaction: 0 shares, equivalent to 0.00%.
4. Number of shares registered to buy: 130,000 shares, equivalent to 1.30%
5. Number of shares purchased: 130,000 shares, equivalent
1. Name of individual performing the transaction:
Mr. Dang Tat Thanh - Internal shareholder - Position: Chairman of the Board of Directors
2. Trading stock code: S55
3. Number of shares held before making the transaction: 0 shares, equivalent to 0.00%.
4. Number of shares registered to buy: 130,000 shares, equivalent to 1.30%
5. Number of shares held after the transaction: 130,000
Dear: Shareholders of Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company.
Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company would like to respectfully announce the finalization of the list of shareholders attending the 2024 Annual General Meeting, specifically as follows:
- Last registration date to finalize the list of shareholders: January 31, 2024
- Expected time to hold the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: March
1. Name of individual performing the transaction:
Ms. Dang Thuy Duong - Person related to internal shareholders
2. Information of relevant insiders:
- Mr. Dang Van Tuyen
- Current position: Member of the Board of Directors
- Relationship of individual conducting transactions with insiders: Con
- Proportion of shares held by insiders: 472,560 shares, equivalent to 4.73%
3. Trading
Căn cứ theo Nghị quyết HĐQT số 63/NQ-S55-HĐQT ngày 01/08/2023 của Công ty cổ phần Sông Đà 505, chúng tôi trân trọng thông báo:
- Hiện đang giữ chức vụ: Thành viên HĐQT; Kế toán trưởng
- Nay Bổ nhiệm kiêm chức vụ: NGƯỜI PHỤ TRÁCH QUẢN TRỊ CÔNG TY
- Ngày bắt đầu
On July 18, 2023, the Company received the decision to sanction tax administrative violations from Gia Lai Tax Department for Song Da 505 Joint Stock Company:
Reason: Wrong declaration of tax base leads to insufficient amount to be paid in the accounting year 2021 to 2022
Penalties and remedies for violations:
- Administrative sanction: A fine of 13,570,885 VND.
- Remedy: Pay the arrears and late
AAC Auditing and Accounting Company Limited.
In accordance with Resolution 55/NQ-S55-HĐQT dated June 13th, 2023 of the Board of Directors on Select an auditor for the 2023 financial statements, the Company's Director negotiated and conducted contract with the selected audit unit.
The signed contract information is as follows:
Contract number: 226/HDKT-AAC
Signed date: June 13th, 2023